Better Alternatives to Homework

There has been a lot of research completed in the area of homework that shows it has little to no long term value. While you may agree or disagree with that statement, there is no argument that kids today have far too much of it. This takes away time from sleep, family activities, and self-directed learning. We want our kids to find a passion, volunteer in the community, go to church, and make a difference, but they need time to do just that. I also think most will agree that grading/checking homework takes up valuable face to face class time.

So how do we balance the need for content practice and the importance of students having a life outside of the school walls? Find better ways to practice the content being taught in class. Do it differently. As you plan during the summer for the 2014-15 school year, keep these alternatives from the Connected Principals blog in mind.

Homework Alternatives from Connected Prinipals